The following is not a complete list of all the advantages of obtaining Social Security Disability benefits, but it does give you an idea of the advantages.
An extremely important advantage of obtaining Social Security
Disability insurance benefits is that it brings into operation the
“wage record freeze.” This
means that your wage records will be frozen so that future benefits
will not be reduced because of the period of disability and your
failure to make payments on insurance premiums under Social
Security. Without
this freeze, a period of disability works against you and causes
your future benefits to be reduced.
If your benefits are coordinated with any long-term disability insurance policy that you have in effect, usually through your former employer or private group, you will be able to keep the cost of living increases, which usually occur every year. Most insurance companies will not take any of the cost of living increases.
Depending upon the status of the law relating to Social Security and depending on how the payment was handled for your long-term disability insurance premiums, it may be possible that there are income tax advantages for you due to the fact that at the present, only eighty-five per cent (85%) of Social Security benefits are taxable, and then only if the individual’s adjusted gross income exceeds certain base amounts.
You should also apply because the following family members may be eligible to receive Social Security Disability benefits as soon as you become eligible:
Unmarried children under eighteen (18) years of age, or nineteen (19) years if in high school full-time.
Unmarried children eighteen (18) years of age and older who have become disabled before age twenty-two (22).
A spouse who is caring for a child who is under the age of sixteen (16) or who is disabled.
A spouse age sixty-two (62) or older.
Finally, if you are nearing retirement age, there may be another reason to apply. If you are between the ages of sixty-two (62) and sixty-five (65), you are eligible for either reduced retirement benefits or disability benefits. The disability benefits are the higher amount. If you are still receiving Social Security Disability at the age of sixty-two (62), then you will continue to receive the higher benefit.
Do not hesitate to contact this office is you have any questions, comments or concerns.